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Dahulu kala, hidup di kerajaan binatang terasa damai. Seluruh hewan saling sayang menyayangi. Hewan yang tua menyayangi yang muda, sedang hewan yang muda menghormati yang tua. Bahkan mereka suka hidup bergotong royong dalam melakukan setiap pekerjaan. Siapapun yang mendapat kesulitan dalam melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan maka hewan yang lain serentak beramai-ramai membantunya. Sehingga semua pekerjaan yang ringan akan cepat terselesaikan dan pekerjaan yang berat akan terasa ringan karena mereka mengerjakannya bersama-sama. Mereka melakukannya dengan ikhlas tanpa pamrih apapun.

Namun, akhir-akhir ini, kehidupan di kerajaan binatang terasa jauh berbeda. Antara hewan yang satu saling curiga mencurigai. Hewan-hewan tua enggan menyayangi yang muda, dan sebaliknya hewan-hewan muda sudah tidak menaruh hormat pada hewan tua. Hewan-hewan muda semakin berani bertindak tidak sopan kepada hewan-hewan tua. Rasa kegotong royongan dalam melakukan pekerjaan sudah mereka tinggalkan. Mereka lebih senang hidup menyendiri. Bila ada hewan yang kesulitan melakukan pekerjaan maka tidak ada seekor hewanpun yang ikhlas membantunya. Mereka lebih senang menjadi penonton saja terhadap kesulitan teman-temannya. Kehidupan di kerajaan semakin jauh dari rasa aman dan tenteram.

Perubahan kehidupan yang jauh dari rasa nyaman di kerajaan binatang itu diakibatkan ulah Si Bebek yang jago gosip. Tiap hari si bebek selalu menyebarkan gosip dimana-mana. Seluruh hewan senantiasa menjadi bahan gosipnya. Sehingga antara hewan satu dan hewan lain terjadi salah faham bahkan tidak jarang terjadi perkelahian. Bila antara hewan satu dan hewan lain terlibat adu mulut dan akhirnya berkelahi maka si Bebek menjauhi mereka. Si bebek takut dikeroyok hewan-hewan karena akibat ulahnya mereka sampai berkelahi. Bahkan terkadang si bebek saling mengadu domba antara hewan satu dengan lain. Hewan-hewan tua berusaha diadu dengan hewan-hewan muda. Begitupun sebaliknya.

Si burung hantu merasa resah dengan perubahan kehidupan di kerajaan binatang yang semakin tidak ada aturan. Dia tahu bahwa penyebab semua ini adalah akibat ulah si Bebek. Kemudian Si Burung memikirkan suatu cara bagaimana caranya memberi pelajaran kepada si bebek. Dia ingin menghentikan tingkah polah si bebek yang semakin menjadi-jadi.

"Kalau ulah si Bebek tidak dihentikan, maka kehidupan di kerajaan binatang akan semakin amburadul," pikir si burung Hantu. Si burung hantu tahu bahwa setiap malam si bebek selalu tidur di bawah pohon tidak jauh dari rumahnya. Oleh karena itu, menjelang gelap si burung hantu sudah bertengger di dahan pohon dimana di bawahnya tenpat si bebek tidur. Dan tidak berapa lama nampaklah si bebek pulang. Lalu si burung hantu berusaha mendekatinya.

"Selamat malam, bebek," sapa burung hantu.
"Hhohoho...selamat malam. Hei, kau rupanya si mata SIONG," jawab si bebek mengejek.
"Wah kamu menghina aku, ya! Apa itu si mata SIONG?" tanya si burung hantu tidak mengerti.
"Hehehehehe...si mata SIONG! Kalau siang matanya sipit kalau malam matanya plolong! Hahahaha..."
"Memang keterlaluan kamu, bebek," kata burung hantu. "Semua teman-temanku pasti kau hina, kau fitnah, kau adu domba seperti itu. Pantas mereka saling curiga antara satu dengan yang lain."
"Ya salah mereka! Kenapa mereka bodoh sehingga bisa saling berkelahi. "
"Jangan begitu, bebek! Mereka juga teman-temanmu, jadi kamu harus melindungi mereka..."
"Apa? Melindungi hewan-hewan yang tidak cerdas seperti mereka? Puih...tidak mau ya. Bahkan mereka pantas menerima hadiah akibat kebodohannya."
"Hei, bebek! Tidak pantas kau berkata seperti itu! Sekali lagi aku peringatkan agar kamu jangan melakukan hal-hal tercela kepada teman-temanku. Kalau tidak mau....maka.....kamu akan mendapat celaka akibat ulahmu sendiri"

"Memangnya ada apa dengan kamu ini? Sok usil ngurusi urusan teman! Kamu jangan mencoba-coba mengancam aku, ya Burung Hantu! Atau kamu menantang berkelahi dengan aku ya!?" bentak si bebek.
Si burung hantu tidak menjawab tantangan si bebek. Sebaliknya ia berusaha memanggil semua hewan agar mengetahui bahwa selama ini mereka telah mendapat fitnahan dan adu domba si bebek. Di hadapan si bebek dan burung hantu yang sedang berdebat, semua hewan hanya saling pandang sesama mereka. Ada rasa penyesalan di antara mereka. Ada rasa bersalah di antara mereka. Selama ini sikap mereka berubah akibat ulah si bebek. Ternyata si bebek telah menfitnah mereka, telah mengadu domba. Mereka merasa geram dan marah terhadap ulah si bebek. Mereka mau mengambil tindakan dengan mengeroyok beramai-ramai namun niat mereka dicegah si burung hantu.

"Sabar kawan-kawan. Jangan main hakim sendiri. Biarlah si bebek yang mengeluarkan pendapatnya," seru si burung hantu meredam niat seluruh hewan yang mau mengeroyok si bebek.
"Aku tidak terima apabila mendapat tuduhan seperti ini," kata si bebek. "Sebenarnya tujuanku baik. Aku ingin kalian tidak bodoh lagi...aku ingin kalian bersatu....aku ingin....,"

Duuuuuuukkkkk....tiba-tiba ada sebongkah batu besar menimpa mulut si bebek. Entah siapa yang telah melemparkannya. Namun dilihat dari arahnya, tentu si burung hantu yang telah melemparkannya.
"Aduuuhhhh...weekkk...wek..wek...wek!!!!" teriak si bebek kesakitan. Dia berusaha melepaskan diri dari himpitan batu yang menimpa mulutnya namun tidak bisa. Dia terus berusaha melepaskan diri dan akhirnya setelah menarik mulutnya kuat-kuat ia terbebas dari himpitan batu.

Namun si bebek kembali berteriak dan merasa menyesal karena batu besar yang menghimpit mulutnya tadi ternyata membuat mulutnya menjadi pipih dan sulit menjadi bentuk semula. Si bebek kini sulit untuk berkata-kata lagi, karena setiap berkata-kata dari mulutnya hanya keluar bunyi : Wek..wek..wekk..wekk. Dan sejak saat itu, si bebek tidak bisa berkata-kata lagi. Dia tidak bisa memfitnah teman-temannya lagi. Dia tidak bisa mengadu domba seluruh teman-temannya lagi. Akhirnya ia hanya bisa menyesal dalam hati dan sambil kedua matanya berlinang air mata ia pergi menjauhi teman-temannya karena malu atas perbuatannya selama ini.

"Itulah akibat kesombongan dan mulut yang senantiasa bergosip, memfitnah, dan mengadu domba teman. Pasti akan mendapat balasan sesuai perbuatannya," kata si Burung hantu. Dan seluruh hewan bersorak sorai tanda gembira. Mereka sadar bahwa sikap mereka selama ini salah akibat fitnahan dan adu domba si bebek. Akhirnya mulai saat itu mereka bersatu lagi. Hidup mereka menjadi nyaman dan tenteram. selesai


Once upon a time, life in the animal kingdom was at peace. All animals love affection to each other. Animals are loving young parents, young animals were honoring the elderly. In fact, they like to live and work together in doing any work. Anyone who have difficulty in doing any work then other animals simultaneously rollicking help. So all the work that light will be quickly resolved and a heavy workload will be lighter because they work together. They do it willingly without any strings attached.

           However, lately, the life in the animal kingdom feels much different. Among the animals that one suspect suspicious of each other. The animals are reluctant loving young parents, and vice versa young animals had no respect for old animals. Young animals are more daring act disrespectful to older animals. Gotong taste royongan in doing the job they've left behind. They prefer to live alone. If there are animals that have trouble doing the job then no one hewanpun sincere help. They prefer to be spectators to the difficulties of his friends. Life in the kingdom is getting away from a sense of security and peace
           Change a life far from feeling comfortable in the animal kingdom-caused Si Ducks are good gossip. Each day the duck is always spreading rumors everywhere. The whole animal is always the subject of gossip. So that between the animal and other animals happen misunderstanding is not uncommon even fights. When the animal one and the other animals have an argument and eventually fight then the duck away from them. Duck scared the animals were attacked because they were up fighting because of him. In fact, sometimes the duck mutual pitting between animals with each other. Older animals trying to compete with younger animals. Vice versa.

           The owl felt uneasy with the change of life in the animal kingdom that increasingly there are no rules. He knows that the cause of all this is due to the act of the duck. Then the bird think of a way how to give lessons to the duck. He wanted to stop the doings of the duck who became so.

          "If the act of the duck was not halted, then life in the animal kingdom will be more chaotic," thought the owl. The owl knows that every night the duck always sleep under a tree not far from his home. Therefore, it was getting dark the owl had perched on a tree branch where tenpat duck underneath the bed. And not long appeared duck home. Then the owl tried to approach.

         "Good evening, duck," says the owl.
         "Hhohoho ... good night. Hey, it's you the eye Siong," replied the mock duck.
         "Well you insult me, yes! What is the eye Siong?" asked the owl did not understand.
         "... The eye Hehehehehe Siong! If daylight eyes squinty eyes that night plolong! Hahahaha ..."
         "It is outrageous to you, duck," said the owl. "All my friends sure you contempt, slander you, provoke you like that. No wonder they suspicion between one another."
         "Yes one of them! Why are they stupid so they can fight each other."
         "Do not be silly, duck! They are also your friends, so you have to protect them ..."

         "What? Protecting animals are not intelligent like them? Puih ... do not want yes. In fact, they deserve to be rewarded as a result of his folly."
         "Hey, duck! Does not deserve you say that! Once again I warn you that you do not do despicable things to my friends. If you do not want .... then ..... you will get hurt as a result of your doing it yourself"
         "What's with you? Sok nosy taking care of the affairs of your friends! You do not try to threaten me, O the Owl! Or you challenge me to fight with you !?" snapped the duck.

         The owl did not answer the challenge of the duck. Instead he tried to summon all the animals in order to know that during this time they have got slander and provoke the duck. In front of the ducks and owls arguing, all the animals just looked at one another among themselves. There is a sense of regret among them. There is a sense of guilt among them. During this time their attitude changed as a result of the act of the duck. It turned out that the ducks had been slandering them, had to pit. They were furious and angry against the act of the duck. They want to take action with a gang rollicking but their intentions prevented the owl.

         "Patience my friends. Do not play into their hands. Let the duck who issued his opinion," said the owl dampen the intention all animals that want to gang up on the duck.
         "I do not accept when accusations like this," said the duck. "Actually, my goal was good. I want you guys are not stupid anymore ... I want you united .... I want ...."

         Duuuuuuukkkkk .... all of a sudden there was a big rock overwrites the duck's mouth. I wonder who had tossed it. But seen from him, of course the owl who had thrown.
         "Aduuuhhhh ... weekkk ... wek..wek ... wek !!!!" cried the duck in pain. He was trying to escape from the crush stone that hit his mouth but could not. He kept trying to escape and finally after pulling his mouth firmly he is free from the crush stones. But the duck back screaming and feel sorry for large stone crushing his mouth had turned out to make her mouth into a flat and hard into shape. The duck is now difficult to say any more, because each speaking from his mouth just out sound: Wek..wek..wekk..wekk. And since then, the duck can not say any more. He could not malign her friends again. He could not pitting throughout her friends again. Finally he could only regret in my heart and while both eyes in tears he went away from his friends because of shame over his actions during this time.

         "That's the result of arrogance and mouth are always gossiping, backbiting, and pitting friend. Definitely will reap the rewards appropriate actions," said the owl. And all the animals cheered happily sign. They are aware that their attitude has been one result of slander and provoke the duck. Finally, from that moment they are united again. Their lives become comfortable and serene.finished

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